Everything You Need to Know (So Far) About the Largest Leak of Offshore Financial Secrets in History

The superrich hide trillions of dollars in order to evade taxation. I use the word evade purposely instead of avoid. Avoiding taxes is legal and in most cases expected. Evading taxes is illegal and typically people who use offshore banking are acting in bad faith. I wonder why people are so complacent when it comes to this kind of illegal activity. Often this money is being stashed, so it can never be used to foster any kind of good. Typically, this activity allows billions of dollars to stay within families for generations without taxation. I’m hoping that by shining light on the issue to show how greedy these people are. Take a minute to learn about this very important issue.

[Image by Jim Cooke via Gawker.com]

Everything You Need to Know (So Far) About the Largest Leak of Offshore Financial Secrets in History.